Since Oprah Hasn’t Called…

In the immortal words from Monty Python “And now for something completely different.” Tomorrow I will accept the keys to my new classroom as I begin the biggest professional challenge I’ve yet undertaken. I will be the Reading Intervention Teacher for a local high school. Being someone gifted with words (she says with all modesty) it will be my privilege to attempt to share these gifts with struggling readers. I believe I am up to the task. I care deeply about my students in advance. And I can’t wait to get started.

Publishing The Offshore Triumphs of Karla Jean was an effort that was seven years in the making. It has gotten great reviews and if you enjoyed it, please feel free to announce it to the world!

And Oprah. And my good buddy Cameron Crowe. And Sandra Bullock. Whom I believe would make an outstanding Karla Jean.

And so I shall sally forth toward a new place with new people and ingest another great big bite of Life.

Let’s begin this new journey!